No list? No product? No site? No traffic? No sales?
It’s no wonder you’re struggling online.
You’ve been doing things the hard way.
Trying to make money with ONE affiliate offer at a time.
ONE funnel at a time.
ONE product at a time.
...As you’ve already discovered, trying to find people who might be interested in buying ONE particular offer is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Why not leave that sorta thing to the “gurus” and do things the easy way?...
Have you ever had somebody ASK to buy a product of their choice through your affiliate link?
I have.
And it’s the easiest money I’ve ever made - for obvious reasons...
I give people my affiliate link to the product they asked for. They click on it and buy. And I make my commission.
How freakin’ cool is that?
...a passive income system that would incentivize countless people to come directly to YOU for the exact products they want to buy...
...a system that’d let them choose from thousands of offers - ALL hardcoded with your commission links?
Imagine how FAST you could rack up hands-free income that way.
Better yet, what if you could AUTOMATE the whole process - meaning every affiliate sale made?
...Well no more “what ifs!”
The system I’m alluding to is not only possible thanks to new technology, it’s only a few clicks away…
Make no mistake about it...
This system has nothing to do with becoming an Amazon affiliate or trying to get rich off of puny 3% commissions.
Nor does it have anything to do ecom or online retail stores.
What I’m about to introduce you to entails an unconventional new way to stuff your account with commissions of 40%, 50%, and even 75% a pop.
Commissions of $49, $197...even $500 per sale on over 4,000 products at once.
And 3-5 figure paydays that rival the kind me and my business partner Tom E are used to:
Listen, the old way of doing affiliate marketing no longer works for most people.
Normally you’d find a product you wanna make money with.
You then have to find people who want that particular product.
So you have to learn how to target and reach that audience.
And then hope that a very small percentage of that audience buys enough copies or units to make a profit.
It’s time to stop doing the things that haven’t worked for you.
It’s time to buck the system to start making REAL money online…
CBMoneyVine is what my biz partner Tom E and I have dubbed a “reverse income system.”
And it’s truly remarkable.
You see, instead of traditional affiliate marketing - where YOU have to hunt people down to sel them on your offer…
...CBMoneyVine sends the buyers to YOU.
...So it’s quite literally the opposite of affiliate marketing - it’s affiliate marketing in reverse.
To get started, simply log in and use our secret 1 click software to brand over 4,000 products with your affiliate link.
...This takes 60 seconds and you’re done. Instant “super affiliate status.”
Zero waiting or hassles to get affiliate approval.
And all commissions are paid DIRECTLY to your account -which will look like this:
Yes, having over 4,000+ offers ready to stuff your account with 40-75% commissions (and in 60 seconds flat!) is incredibly impressive…
...something you can’t do anywhere else online.
However, all the products in the world won’t do you a bit of good unless coupled with a system that converts them into easy money for you.
...But not to worry. We’ve got you covered...
Use CBMV’s done-for-you Reverse Income System (R.I.S.) - which includes your own instant website - to begin making money as soon as today
Our unconventional system “forces” people to buy from you through an ingenious built-in incentivation program.
And not only buy from you.
But do so month, after month, after month - on AUTOPILOT.
...I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like it; CBMV is the first of its kind.
"Just want to recommend CB Money Vine by Bryan Winters and Tom E, two very experienced marketers who always produce top quality programs that actually do work and make people money. I have been granted early access to the program and have to say this is one heck of a powerful program that will produce excellent results for anyone both newbies and the more experienced."
"Hey Bryan & Tom this new (commission machine) CB Money Vine ROCKS! Gonna be exciting watching the green bars rise on my CB sales dashboard again! Fantastic work. You guys have set the bar way too high for the competition ;) All the best."
"Bryan Winters is one of the nicest guys in the internet marketing space. Whenever Bryan releases a product I tend to get really excited about it for a simple reason I make money using his products. I am not talking about making commissions from promoting his launch. I am talking about actually using his products and then generating commissions from the product itself. Bryan is someone who would go out of the way to his customers and I love his products. CBmoneyvine is no different, It is a blockbuster of a product. I will be using this to build a vine of my own and at the same time generating commissions without much effort on my part. If you want to make money as fast as humanly possible then this is a product that you cannot afford to miss period!!!!!!”
"CBMoneyVine is ingenious! I am an active member of Bryan's original 'vine system' which has been a source of online income for me...but this new platform is even MORE powerful. And I love the fact that I'm able to INSTANTLY brand over 4,000 products with my affiliate link. With so many "same old - same old" products out there, CBMoneyVine really stands out. Do NOT hesitate to jump on this!"
The heart of the CBMoneyVine system is the (very) special website that’s automatically generated for you the moment you log in.
Despite it having over 4,000 products tagged with your commission links, it’s NOT a retail marketplace like Amazon.
Nor is it a web funnel with “endless products.”
...It’s far more clever than either.
You see, your CBMV website enables you to easily generate an unlimited “vine” of CBMV free version sub-members...
...people who are incentived to buy the products they choose through your affiliate links…
...and do so month after month - on complete AUTOPILOT.
It’s our proprietary incentivation system (built into your website) that fuels your income 24-7 by getting people EXCITED to buy…
...excited, because they too will be able to cash in with the CBMoneyVine system - right after they buy from you.
Now if things are still a little fuzzy at the moment, not to worry…
Everything about CBMoneyVine screams “simple.” But nevertheless, I’ll be giving you a full walkthrough once inside.
You know what (else) SUCKS about conventional affiliate marketing?
...How about the fact that if you don’t continue making one-off sales, you and your business starve to death?
Wouldn’t you much rather get paid over, and over again - month after month - without having to keep selling?
...And better yet, without having to sell at all?
Of course you would.
Not to toot my own horn, but I’m a residual income ninja. Just one of my many sites has made millions in monthly income...
...and I’ve applied my multi-million dollar residual income expertise to devise a monthly income MACHINE in CBMoneyVine.
No more living off “one affiliate sale to the next” - like living paycheck to paycheck.
...Like I said, buck the system.
It’s time to build <an online income you can depend on - month after month.
CBMoneyVine is our best work to date and set to become one of the most powerful income systems in our industry.
So Tom and I are not about to let the copycatters reverse engineer and knock us off without a fight.
With that in mind, CBMV’s proprietary software + system is strictly for members only.
But I can certainly understand you wanting a “look under the hood” before joining, so here are a few spy shots:
You’ll receive all this and more the moment you log in to your CBMoneyVine back office:
Oh, and don’t forget - CBMV is 100% beginner friendly from the moment you log in, to the moment you get your first commission deposit.
CBMoneyVine isn’t ultimately about making money.
It’s about creating the type of life you want for yourself and your family…
Just like Tom and I have done.
We don’t live to make money.
We make money to live.
We both love making music. Travel and vacations. Spending time with friends and family. And a whole lot more…
Picture yourself doing what YOU love - whether it’s laying on the beach, watching movies, golfing, or playing at the park with your kids…
...whatever it may be - picture it right now
And now imagine being able to do it any time you choose.
Right here and now, you can either choose to continue doing what society has conditioned you to do…
...waking up to your alarm 5 days a week, living for the weekends (only), and being a slave to your job.
OR, you can join CBMoneyVine...and buck the system once and for all...
You've got 14 days (2 full weeks) to give CBMoneyVine a full test drive.
If during that time you decide that this just isn't for you for whatever crazy reason...
...maybe you prefer to work harder for your money...
...or maybe you'd prefer a large pizza over over a 5-6 figure income system...
...simply contact our support center to get your money back.
We'll even let you KEEP all commissions & sales made during your stay.
The ONLY risk here is NOT taking action with CBMoneyVine.
Click below the Add To Cart Button below to get started…
You’re “this close” to daily and monthly payouts on over 4,000 high commission offers.
Remember, I’m talking about big commissions of 40%, 50%, and even 75% a pop.
Commissions of $49, $197...even $500 per sale.
...But we’ve sweetened the deal even more for you.
As a FREE BONUS for ordering now, we’ll activate your account with our Autopilot Pass Up Commissions feature:
Each and every time a people on your vine becomes inactive (for any reason) you’ll automatically take over their vine.
What this means is that their would-be commissions will automatically pass up to YOU.
It doesn’t matter whether they were making $100 per month or $2,500 per month - it all goes to YOU.
These pass up commissions could easily go to Tom and I (and obviously make us a lot of money)...
...but we’re committed to maximizing your success.
The “catch” is that you have to join CBMoneyVine now to guarantee your Autopilot Pass Up Commissions activation.
Don’t wait a moment longer…
P.S. Tom and I have been full time online for over 20 years. We’ve made millions of dollars. Heck, we’ve made over $300,000 in the past few months alone…
...and we’ve used our experience to create a ton of success stories - people just like you.
But we’ve also seen the struggle.
We know exactly how and why traditional affiliate marketing fails for so many people.
And that’s exactly why we created CBMoneyVine.
Our software + system turns affiliate marketing “on its head” and sends buyers straight to you…
...and straight to 1000’s of products instantaneously hardcoded with your money links.
Not only that, but it incentives people to buy from you over and over again, month after month - on autopilot.
...I’m talking about hands-free commissions of as much as $500+ per sale.
Imagine how far you’d already be if affiliate marketing had been this easy all along.
But alas, the long wait is over.
CBMoneyVine is here and ready to make YOU our next success story.
Click here to join now:
A. CBMV is what we call a “reverse income system.”
...Unlike traditional affiliate marketing where you’re faced with trying to make sales by matching ONE product to ONE person at a time, our system does the exact opposite:
We set you up with over 4,000 products instantly hardcoded with your affiliate links, coupled with a very special website+system that incentives participants to buy from you month after month.
All YOU need to “make the magic happen” is your CBMV website link (provided for you on your CBMV member home page).
A. You can be set up and ready to run in as little as 60 seconds. The only required set up is entering your affiliate link. This enables us to track your sales and pay you
A. There is very little training needed, and absolutely no experience necessary to get started. Our training is presented in the form of a short video that you can watch to quickly jumpstart your vine growth and monthly income.
A. CBMV is fully scalable, meaning your income potential is truly unlimited. ...How much do you WANT to earn?
A. All sales go straight into your free ClickBank & WarriorPlus accounts. Both platforms enable you to receive your payments in a variety of ways including direct bank deposit.
If you don't have a Clickbank & WarriorPlus accounts already, it only takes moments to set them up.